Hello! Welcome to the Brainstorm! Home of Jack-of-all-Trades! Out-there ideas! Moments of brilliance, laughter, and snarkitude!! And occasionally, deeply rooted soul searching.

Monday, August 16, 2010

First day of school: Zoo-Wee-Mama!

Hello!  Welcome to the Brainstorm!  Home of Jack-of-all-Trades! Out-there ideas! Moments of brilliance, laughter, and snarkitude!! And occasionally, deeply rooted soul searching.

Ever wonder what would happen if you just started talking...and people started listening, and then it became a conversation?  I invite you into my musings - let's create together.

For anyone with school age children, you know the "beginning of the school year" panic that sets in this time of year.  Will the new teacher understand that little Johnny has to have his pencils in a completely separate box from his markers and crayons?  Will the new teacher mind that Janie refers to herself in the third person as "Janie, The Princess Elect?"  Will Jack be in the same class as his best friend who he feels the need to have a running commentary with all day, henceforth many visits to Senora Principal?  And that doesn't even start on school clothes, the latest Nikes, the right backpack, bag or buy lunch dilemmas, and the riding, walking, biking, or dropping conversations.

Now, I remember the first day of school many times over.  I remember deciding where to sit, and who to walk with, and where to sit for lunch.  What I want to know is when the heck did this all become mandated in elementary school?  My son and I watched "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" this weekend, and I laughed at the fun and antics of this poor new middle school student trying to navigate the maze of a new environment. Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Little did I know that my child would decide he could only carry his backpack on one shoulder due to the cool factor, or that "zoo-wee-mama!" would become a frequently uttered exclamation in our home.  The thing that resonated with me the most was all the decisions a kid has to make!  Yet, our school systems now mandate who sits where, and not just in the classroom, but in lunch as well. No wonder middle school is so terrifying.  It was amazing to me that my son identified with the topics so well, and that the things we remember from middle school are now a part of elementary school.  And we wonder why our kids grow up so fast.

I remember thinking a new year was a whole fresh start.  After all, isn't that why we set New Year's Resolutions?  So, to start my child's new year off right, I henceforth resolve never to be the mom who:
  • hollers across the room about wayward zippers, 
  • cleanses anything off my child with "mom-juice" (aka, spit), 
  • forces my child to participate in anything by speaking about him in the third person as if he isn't there,
  • and participates in a parent talent show, unless my child actually thinks I have talent.

Whew.  I feel better already. Do you have a funny parent/first day of school type story to share?  post a comment!

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